(please be patient - such long lists are hard to compile and organise)
Before Covid-19 there were many flu outbreaks across the world, and people simply accepted the death rates as part of the inevitable weave of life. Then the W.H.O. strongly pushed the ill conceived plan on the nations that in order to try to save the lives of already sick and elderly people (perhaps at best extending their lives by only a few years) society should be locked down, and the fat cats of Big Pharma should be made rich from inaccurate tests and weird new unproven vaccines, shattering the entire world economy by what Michaéla C. Schippers called "a sheer one sided focus" on Covid, and not on the catastrophic knock on effects of the plans to deal with it. In his documentary series "The Power of Nightmares" Adam Curtis explains that politicians have realised that instead of offering the public things they need in order to take or keep political power, saving them from nightmares increases their power further, whether the threat is real or exaggerated. This political agenda, along with the more sincere politicians finding it tough to argue they have medical expertise to make the best plan for dealing with a pandemic, caused the nations to fall into the grip of an impractical and ill conceived agenda to deal with Covid-19, The super rich became even richer by controlling the world media, and crushed personal freedom and the world economy.
This must not be allowed to happen again, and those responsible like W.H.O. and the interfering busybody in medical issues Bill Gates, should be prosecuted.
OVERALL SYNOPSIS: A Mafia style Protection Racket Agenda is in operation on a global scale by the use of medical tyranny.
premise: "Submit to the Covid-19 Vaccine & Test rip-off, so we can milk humanity dry of cash, and plough the profits back into tightening the tyranny with bribes, mandates and new regulations, OR ELSE we will smash-up your society, economy, happiness and freedoms."
This is a clone of the Mafia tactic of smashing up clubs, pubs and restaurants unless "protection money" is paid but on a supermassive scale. The victim is then further duped into being bled dry by the occasional real protection from other freeloaders and thugs.
note: Bribes are legal - they just rename it lobbying, and our top leaders do nothing about it!
BOTTOMLINE - and all this "to save humanity" from a bug similar to and in the same category as the flu, as if it is bubonic plague! It is the biggest example of overcompensation or overkill in human history. It is like killing a mosquito with a shotgun. If the agenda was to "save elderly lives" why did the UK as good as force the designation of all elderly people in care homes to be "not for resuscitation"? A clear total contradiction!!!
TOP 10:
1) Attack on democracy - in 80 countries. Governments have responded by abuses of power . (democracy is not a police state, or dictatorship by proxy) . This is usually a Communist objective.
2) Third World starvation . Millions die, largely babies and children .
It is expected that there will be an enormous increase in hunger and poverty, in part due to distortions in many supply chains around the world (Boone et al., 2020; Buheji et al., 2020). In the year 2020 it was predicted 130 million would starve because of lockdowns.
3) The Scientific Process banned . Both sides of the criticisms of data should be examined, the definition - if a yes man peer reviews the findings of another yes man, that is science. The public cannot be allowed to view both side's criticisms and decide who has the science.
4) No free speech . (eg fact checks actually blocking content)
5) Destroying Western national economies .
6) Destroying the tourist industry .
7) Destroying small businesses .
8) Postponed medical tests & treatments .
example: Late diagnosis cancer deaths (being called "the forgotten c" thousands die . lost dental appointments etc. chemotherapy have not been given and were postponed (Sud et al., 2020)
9) Mental illness UP .
10) Home child abuse UP .
TOP 20:
11) Suicides UP . especially in the Third World. also child/teen suicides.
12) Domestic violence UP .
13) Vaccine related deaths and side-effects - reported as highest ever UP (hidden) .
14) Child and adult obesity UP - killing tens of thousands by various affects .
15) Banning drugs/treatments thought by other medics and scientists to help cure or prevent Covid . including:
a) Ivermectin .
b) Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine
c) Cannot even suggest alternative medicine, or home remedies, or simple medicinal helps, even if you specifically state the effects are unproven. This limits peoples free speech, free will, and freedom of choice.
(the likely reason is so much money is being made by Big Pharma from Covid, they do not even want a cure,)
16) Forcing teens and children to have controversial rush job vaccines.
17) Child social development and IQ's DOWN . Caused by masks worn at home by parents, so child cannot learn watching lips (for instance) as with a child of Dr, Leana Wen.
18) Babies development DOWN .
19) The Great Covid-19 Media U-Turn - Died "of" or "with" Covid? The day in the media news stories saying "died of Covid-19" suddenly became "died with Covid-19" with no proper mention of co-morbidity or multi-morbidity until fairly recently when it was forced out into the open. We have been fed continual fa;lse statistics. This is one of the most stark proofs our TV, radio, newspapers and other news stories had a hidden agenda, and were being controlled. and not even mentioning stats like 75% having 4 co-morbidities, so the person would likely die anyway.
20) The body reacts to stress with the increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines . . - causing illness .
TOP 30:
(please remember the UK are usually muted in their reactions and the following examples may have been worse in other countries!)
21) People sacked from their jobs - causing some people to potentially lose their mortgage or even be made homeless.
22) Huge fines for not taking a vaccine - in some countries enough to cause some people to potentially lose their mortgage or even be made homeless.
23) Kidnapped from home, arrested, and forced into quarantine - worst perhaps in China, there were horrible examples elsewhere, like in Australia.
24) People being physically forced to be immunized in China,
25) Track and trace Gestapo knocking on your door - if you came into contact with a person who tested positive with the bogus RT PCR Test Kary Mullis said would not work.
26) Going outside - People arrested on beaches even when far apart from each other. or fixed penalty fines. People arrested in the wide open countryside walking a dog. or fixed penalty fines. People arrested if moving outside a few miles from their home. (6.6 moved down to 5.8 miles) or fixed penalty fines. £200 (reduced to £100 if paid within 14 days), Doubles with each subsequent offence . £6,400 (for the sixth and subsequent offences)
27) Self isolation - Failure to self-isolate and come into close contact with someone/ were likely to meet someone/ was negligent to the possibility of meeting someone, £4,000. £10,000 for second offence
28) International quarantine - Failure to quarantine in a hotel as required £5,000, £8,000
£10,000 (for third and subsequent offences).
29) UK - Failure to wear a face covering as required fined £200 (reduced to £100 if paid within 14 days), Doubles with each subsequent offence, £6,400 (for the sixth and subsequent offences).
30) Non vaccinated of non mask wearers persecuted in public, and threatened. Two Tier Society. see - Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes experiment .
**) Prison sentence is some countries for no vaccination. Laws in other countries in the process of being changed in order to imprison people .
TOP 40:
31) Super Rich becoming a threat is a massive loophole in the safety of democracy, that needs correcting. Fast!!
32) Decline of international airlines & increased fares and red tape .
33) Unhappiness . (leading to illness)
34) Financial insecurity .
35) Public Protests spread germs - therefore the protesters must be arrested, not entirely historically unique as minorities were blamed as the cause of various plagues, including the black death, witches for what was really ergot poisoning, etc.
36) Less food and hardware items for sale as supply chains are broken by absurd "track and trace" imposition of quarantine .
37) Nazi / Communist style book burning techniques, via a slow encroachment method (another manifestation of "boiling the frog") eg on Facebook, Youtube (fact checking into oblivion) and in Wikipedia Big Pharma/WHO only agendas.
It also includes dumbing down the Big search engines like Google and Bing when people search for information to expose the Con-19 Agenda tactics. And the issue of Bill Gates owning a search engine (Bing).
38) Press "sheer one sided focus" on Covid death prevention .
39) Vaccines were first offered with a microchip implant option in some places (videos prove this) to track your injection status and history .
40) Press hide appalling history of vaccines . will list history examples & include Agent Orange, DDT, Thalidomide, SV-40 .
TOP 50 .
41) Rush job vaccines . "Operation Warp Speed" says it all. Sounds like famous last words. What they really want to "warp speed" is a test and vaccine multi billion dollar rip off. They admit they were not waiting the usual time to check for bad effects.
42) Expensive RT PCR Tests. Billions of tests planned at £100 - £50 a time usually quoted, the money from which could feed the entire starving population of Planet Earth alone! (Asian Boss quote)
43) Failure of antibiotics and death from simultaneous / or secondary bacterial infection, the real cause of many deaths (hidden by media).
44) Falsely attributing deaths to Covid . extra cash offered for deaths recorded as Covid-19. False positives and other fake Covid stats like carcrash victims recorded as Covid-19 deaths .Patients who tested negative often had the test performed twice more until the desired "noise" in the RT PCR Test gave the desired positive.
45) Baby Boom, Massive rise in pregnancies, also teen pregnancies in places like the Philippines. and thus abortions.
46) Missing out "mobilisation" from patient Covid-19 care plans (to take fluid out the lungs) by treating Covid-19 as it it was Spanish Flu and more transmittable than it was.
47) That Pfizer DNA vaccines may cause an autoimmune response perhaps even years later, by causing your own body cells to produce spike proteins from a virus, initiating a response of the body attacking its own cells. (stated by former doctor Andrew Jeremy Wakefield )
48) Vaccines manufactured with human fetus cells . - HEK-293 .
49) Deceiving the public about how controversial almost every new vaccine is ,
50) Bogus plan to save elderly people's lives - Oxymoronic statement that all lockdowns and isolation of the elderly is to save their lives, then designating them "not for resuscitation" (Matt Hancock UK did this) contradicting the entire plan (motive? = it gives higher death rate statistics perpetuating the Covid hysteria agenda) . It is like giving a patient a major operation to hopefully save their life, then not attempting resuscitation against the whole plan in the event of cardiac arrest.
TOP 60 .
51) The biggest medical rip off of all time - designed to be perpetual. (booster shots would mean it goes on forever even if everyone was vaccinated).
52) Preventing Covid patients from seeing their families in hospital, so you cannot even check on their care plan, treatment, conditions etc.
53) Trying to make the public pay twice in the UK for hospitals, esp children's hospitals. first by taxes, then by donations for what taxes covered ore Covid-19 .
54) Compromising the immune system by stress, unhappiness, queues, lack of security, less choice in goods and foods. etc
55) USA hospitals closers - many through lack of patient visits, as they avoid quarantine and other Covid hassel.
quote: In many countries emergency admissions, e.g., for cardiac chest pain and transient ischemic attacks, are decreased by about 50%, as people are avoiding hospital visits, which eventually will lead to higher death rates from other causes, such as heart attack and strokes (Sarner, 2020)
56) Unnecessary Deaths - as patients avoid ER because of Covid hassle.
57) Flight or fight mechanism from stress . - this leads to blood loss in the gastrointestinal tract and illness (for instance)
58) Expensive RT PCR Tests. Billions of tests planned at £100 - £50 a time usually quoted, the money from which could feed the entire starving population of Planet Earth alone! (Asian Boss quote)
59) Trying to make the public pay twice in the UK for hospitals, esp children's hospitals. first by taxes, then by donations for what taxes covered ore Covid-19 .
60) Rise in homelessness and drug addiction - big rise! Thousands die!
TOP 70 .
61) Masks increase CO2 and moisture leading to infection susceptibility . They do not even stop dust.
62) Decreased mobilisation (including in hospital) leading to fluid on lungs . The changing of classic nursing plans to mobilise patients with respiratory disease and teach deep breathing exercises .
63) Increase in diseases such as measles - purportedly as confidence in vaccines decreases, because illnesses where vaccines really help are sullied by the belief a continually morphing bug like Covid-19 is as able to be vaccinated against.
64) Mental health care is limited or not available at all .
65) quarantined related mental health conditions , and/or as a result of job loss, such as low mood, insomnia, irritability, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (Holmes et al., 2020; van Hoof, 2020). and physical illnesses . conditions like obesity.
66) Compromising the immune system by stress, unhappiness, queues, lack of security, less choice in goods and foods. etc
67) USA hospitals closers - many through lack of patient visits, as they avoid quarantine and other Covid hassel.
quote: In many countries emergency admissions, e.g., for cardiac chest pain and transient ischemic attacks, are decreased by about 50%, as people are avoiding hospital visits, which eventually will lead to higher death rates from other causes, such as heart attack and strokes (Sarner, 2020)
68) Unnecessary Deaths - as patients avoid ER because of Covid hassle.
69) Taking over the mass media + to induce social conformity.
70) Press hide appalling history of vaccines .
TOP 80 .
71) Introduction of a trading / vaccine passport .
72) Lockdowns .
73) Social distancing . causing social / mental suffering
33) Locking people in prison camps
74) Violent arrests / kidnapping .
75) Fines - enough to make a person homeless .
76) The creation of the Covid Gestapo - the track and trace abomination .
77) Two tier society - causing inequality - medical apartheid
78) Turning your own army and police force into the unwitting puppets of power grabbing forces external to your country, and turning your own leaders into political puppets on medical grounds, thus establishing rule by a medical tyrant or tyrants.
79) Labelling the unvaccinated "bio weapons".
80) Supply chains blocked, quote
Moreover, as many businesses are closed and supply chains blocked, the socio-economic effects are beyond comprehension (cf. Fernandes, 2020; Ivanov, 2020). via Covid Gestapo, and ordering people with a snuffle to stay at home.
Fact Check
TOP 90 .
81) School closures - with many bad effects .
82) Job losses - leading to shorter life spans .
83) Social and physical isolation - is commonly associated with loneliness. This is especially the case in forced isolation in old age (for a meta-analysis see Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015) where loneliness is strongly associated with increased mortality (Eng et al., 2002; Giles et al., 2005; Pantell et al., 2013).
84) Dysfunctional coping strategies - such as withdrawal/ruminating, substance use, taking tranquilizers and excessive gaming can exacerbate the negative effects of the lockdown measures
85) Price increases in food and other goods - and hardware .
86) Big increase in profits of Amazon - super rich objective to force trade mostly online.
87) Opioid and experimental drug use overdoses skyrocket - in lockdowns, and from mental illness and isolation etc caused also by social distancing.
88) Social distancing causing long queues - chills, flight or fight stress, psychological problems with isolation.
89) People prevented from keeping fit in gyms - etc
90) Poverty causing cold homes and so illness .
TOP 100:
Strangulation and eradication of Freedoms, rights and liberties:
91) Freedom of speech .
92) Freedom to protest .
93) Freedom of assembly .
94) Freedom of movement . "The Earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof."
95) Freedom of religion . eg attempts to force you to take a vaccine containing HEK-293. or deceiving you that is was used in production by saying it was not necessary to mention it to you as it was filtered out.
96) Freedom of press and media .
97) Freedom from cruel and unusual punishments . (and from excessive bail,)
98) Right to due process of law .
99) Human rights .
100) Civil liberties .
"The Freedom to bear arms" in the USA and Canada, especially in places where there are dangerous wild animals, and the need to hunt to survive, gun laws are different than those in the UK. This now has an added dimension that if total tyranny envelopes us and we are hunted by armed drones, the guns can be used to shoot down the drones as an act of self defence in a totalitarian situation. The trouble with discussing this issue is many countries like the UK did not have the general right to own firearms for self defence before this new possible threat of killer drones emerged.