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                        TOP 200 BAD EFFECTS OF LOCKDOWNS



TOP 110:


101) Long list of additives in vaccines breaking people's religion in the past, hidden from the public .

101) Isolation of patients and the elderly from family

        a) In hospital .

        b) even at home .

102) Elderly "not for resuscitation" - Oxymoronic statement lockdowns and isolation of elderly is to save their lives, then designating them "not for resuscitation" to obtain higher death rate statistics and contradict the entire plan .

103) Preventing mobilisation of patients in hospitals leading to fluid on the lungs .

104) Chronic stress in old people will accelerate aging and dysfunction of the immune system 

105) Disruption of sleep patterns  and increase in Insomnia  .


106) post-traumatic stress syndrome .

107) The cessation of the right to choose your own medical treatments .

108 ) Proof nurses and doctors have in the past conspired not to resuscitate patients deemed fit for resuscitation - and who expected to be, via covert practices such as "The slow Code" or "The Hollywood Code" or "Light blue", thus isolation of the sick or elderly is very wrong.

109)  )  Taking credit for our God given immune system  - leading to a supermassive worldwide fraud. 

110) People are now being denied the right even of their own choice of vaccine .

TOP 130:


121)  Government intransigence on wider threats - to the possibility Russia and China and Bill Gates are plotting to destroy our economy, with control of the media, youtube and facebook.

122) People feeling forced into planning to leave society altogether, - because society has become so draconian and similar to Nazi and Communist tyrannies of the past. This is complicated by the fact society has also become very decadent to the point of Babylonianism.

123) Terror drones introduced in China - Bill Gates has said he thinks we should adopt China's methods. That fact alone means Bill Gates is a scumbag.

124) Kidnapping people off the streets in China, and whole families from their homes.

125) Proposed surveillance state in Australia (Big Brother is watching you)


126) Over policing of protests .  Nazi style brutality

127) Nazi / Communist style book burning techniques, via a slow encroachment method (another manifestation of "boiling the frog") eg on Facebook, Youtube and in Wikipedia. 

128) Book burningThe sudden appearance of "Fact Check" over so called "misinformation". Evolutionism, murdering babies by abortion, and other secular "truth" continues unchecked. including.... Fact checking several pages of relevant data into non existence by a few semantic criticisms.

129) Unmentionable people, unmentionable articles. Just the names of David Icke or Dr Andrew Kaufman, or articles like "Manufactured Pandemic" are enough to see a comment, article, or video deleted from Youtube, Facebook and the like, This is then blamed on an algorithm but a person told the algorithm to do it. This is an advanced form of book burning already with us.

130) Tipping point concessions - at the moment we are at the tipping point phase of the attempt at a totalitarian state. Concessions on freedom of speech, freedom of movement etc are made, as it is very possible society and politicians will wake up in time, put on trial and jail people like Bill Gates, the leaders of W.H.O. etc . If the dark forces can get past this tipping point stage the next stage is terror!

TOP 140:


131) Closed nations - (nation is like a prison in isolation)

132) Threats of trading sanctions - creation of leper nations who will not comply with universal

Covid Medical Tyranny agenda

133) External rulers to your country - having won a great battle to regain total UK self rule from European infiltration into the power structure, a remodelled attack via disease control immediately appears, this time not only ordering us what to do, but threatening to make us a trading "leper nation" if we do not comply, breaking us with trading sanctions .

134) The new Aryan race are the vaccinated , + using the psychology tactic of the "brown eyed blue eyed" experiment to divide and conquer society..

Attack on US constitution: -

135) Psychotic "world domination agendas and plots" not punished by international law. -  If a person threatens to kill or subjugate one person, they get prosecuted, but if they are openly plotting to take away freedom, possessions, and kill people on a global scale, no prosecution.


136)  Attack on "The American Constitution" .

137)  Violent riots used to usher-in The Police State - Julius Caesar, and every powerful invader or power grabber in the past, always had a propaganda excuse to launch offensives, as it was of very great psychological advantage. In WW2 the Germans even staged being attacked first by Poland. Take great heed to this 2 part warning: 

a) Violence gives the excuse for the Police State to be ushered in and changes in the law, such as after Kristallnacht.

b) The two plans Jesus banned in Revelation 13:9-10 were compliance, or taking to violence with the sword. Peaceful protests as Martin Luther King and Gandhi are far more effective, and do not give rise to draconian followed by totalitarian countermeasures. This being said we can expect infiltrated or staged violence and riots.

138) Attacks on off-grid living . The state does not like this autonomy . To them we are like animals to be milked, fleeced and used. It is quite unbelievable places are making growing your own vegetables, and storing rainwater etc illegal !



TOP 150:


141) Less food and hardware items for sale as supply chains are broken by absurd "track and trace" imposition of quarantine 

142) Massive numbers of people sacked. or losing their jobs, just because they do not want a vaccination .

143) No more holiday abroad as a reward for a hard years toil - for those working, probably they might spend it locked down at home, or caught out abroad .

144) Press reports / headlines like "British police off work" and many other professional examples, it is not exclusively with Covid, it is the pathetic "track and trace" bunk, where professionals all across Britain are ordered to stay off work because of things like -being in a place like a cafeteria where someone is "proven" to be Covid tested positive (by a test the inventor of which denied can be used for that purpose). It is the generation of hysteria.

145) Deliberate Hysteria Generation.


146) Attempted outlawing of Critical Thinking Skills .

147) Be honest. How many of you took a vaccine simply because you were bullied into it against your conscience, or to blend into society ?

148) What percentage of vaccinated people are actually pro choice, not vaccination totalitarians? And how many vaccinated people now feel they were lied to and do not want continual boosters?. The fact is to achieve herd immunity it is not necessary that everyone is vaccinated, and are the powers that be really trying to totally wipe out Covid?

149) The Big Picture "Seeded apparent denialism" - the powers that be are (in my opinion) deliberately not following due scientific process in their presentation of science to the public, to dupe rebels into an appearance of denialism. Examples are not explaining the isolation and purification of viruses. and the contents and how the contents were produced of attenuated Covid vaccines.

example: "How can they produce bucket loads of Chinese Sinovax vaccine, that purports to be multi millions of attenuated Covid virus particles in solution,  yet not be able explain how they can isolate and purify a single virus particle,  in order to map it. 

This seeded denialism is irreversibly connected to another trap called "The Scientific patronization of the public" where superficial science is put forward to "help the poor dumb public" understand things better, like saying viruses are "alive" instead of "live" in the sense of dangerous and undamaged. 

The end result of this tactic is to discredit huge numbers of people resisting forced vaccination on all people, by disempowering them from obtaining answers that ought to be given. Meanwhile the patronising TV and press never tackle the issues as they are too busy treating the public as too dumb to understand such "stratospheric" (basic) things. 

The bottom line is that people like Piers Corbyn might do well explaining that he feels forced to occupy the stance he is taking, while due scientific process remains unproven to have been followed. However as we have had vaccines for years claiming to be attenuated virus solutions, like the flu vaccine, the ambiguity starts to breed total denialism about viruses causing any disease at all, in my view this is because of "The Scientific patronization of the public" and a refusal to clarify. 

TOP 160:


151) Trying to make the public pay twice in the UK for hospitals, esp children's hospitals. first by taxes, then by donations for what taxes covered before Covid-19 .

152) Ignoring the appalling safety records of Big Pharma and the FDA about vaccine safety, such as the contamination of the Salks, Koprowski, and Sabin vaccines with the SV-40 monkey virus (linked to cancer by some), batches of live polio given to children, and the terrible safety record of Pfizer, the massive blunders over Thalidomide, DDT and Agent Orange, to name but a few, Also evidence HIV may have originated in Polio vaccines.

153) Drug fraud - Kary Mullis said there is no link between HIV and AIDS. From this Big Pharma realised the drugs they created cannot fail, if there is no link in the first place. Mullis said however the drugs thereselves were what were killing patients by non stop chemotherapy that normally ends.

154) Ignoring / hiding the Kary Mullis statements saying PCR cannot be accurately used for viral load  .

155) Africa has been (and still is) relatively unvaccinated, and we do not see devastating death rates. There is no evidence Covid is a new Spanish Flu or they have "saved millions of lives" as claimed by Donald Trump.

156) Operation Warp Speed: sounds so much nicer than "Operation Rush Job" by companies like Pfizer, who have an appalling safety record, are exempt if something goes wrong by law, and when vaccines have an appalling history of massive mistakes affecting millions of people, as well as doing a huge amount of good. 

157) Pretence winter does not cause spikes in respiratory illnesses  .

158)  Financial incentives given to record deaths as from Covid ,

21) Opening up Europe to a joint Oriental and Russian attack - (predicted in the bible) by weakening the economy, and thus the army / navy / airforce .

22) Obvious Communist attempt to disrupt and divide western society, - with the likely aim of launching a military attack at the optimum moment of disruption. This includes using the Charles Manson plan to divide society on race grounds, and the "brown eyed / blue eyed" social division based on vaccinated or not vaccinated.

23) Sinister Social conformity manipulation:  it may be a mistake to call this "Mass Formation Psychosis" as for a start the public do not want to be linked with the word psychosis. Social conformity manipulation however that ends up going along with agendas of a similar style to Naziism and Communism can be argued by some to be a form of psychosis.


"Three famous experiments show the intricacies of social influence, which have become known as the Asch conformity experiment, the Milgram obedience experiment, and the Stanford Prison experiment. In the Asch experiment, it was shown that even in a very unambiguous situation, with one clear right answer, 75% of people could be persuaded to give the wrong answer as long as the “stooges”, hired by the experimenter, also gave one clear but false answer (Asch, 1951)."

24) "The Power of Nightmares" (see famous BBC documentary series by Adam Curtis)  A political discovery that delivering people from nightmares (or the exaggeration of threats) increases political power far more than delivering to people a better economy, better lifestyle and fulfilled dreams. This is achieved by simply replacing the threat of Al-qaeda with the hyper exaggerated threat of Covid-19 .note: some say the organization Al-qaeda never even existed.

25) Escalating terror / threats - until we see the old "Better Red than dead" attack on society in a new medical disguise .


26) Communist / Totalitarian attack on our society: The spear tip seems to be Bill Gates, the ultimate Judas and traitor, using Covid to smash our economy and weaken and enslave us, behind him forming a triangle of Death is Putin and Xi Jinping.

27) Militia. (watch for this). In Russia Putin is training and installing a thug organization called 40x40 in church cellars, and intimidating the Eastern Orthodox church into becoming part of his violent regime. This may start to be adopted in the west in all sorts of religions. (documentaries about 40x40 are now being erased from Youtube)

28) Terror! - the next step is terror! This is a phase that happens when having almost all political revolutions. In my opinion it will perhaps be by the use of terror drones. When tyranny begins to be enforced by brutality, bullying, fines, prison camps, as in Australia at the moment, people's altruistic consciences begin to temporarily shift into survival mode instead, and give in to tyranny.

29) The attempt to break or compromise Allied countries early .

In WW2 the Allied coalition of countries that primarily won the war were the USA, UK, Canada and Australia. It is no coincidence that these countries are coming under attack and being deviously manipulated first in the Covid Tyranny and the biggest medical rip off of all time. Australia especially are presently crushed (perhaps because of all countries on Earth it would be easiest to leave society and hide in). This is to take us out early as the opposition. The tactic is working unfortunately.

Other countries in the allied forces - India and British Commonwealth countries, France (and their dependencies), Poland, New Zealand, South Africa, and also the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Greece can expect to be singled out as well.

30) It is for "The collective good" comrades. "The collective good" Sounds very communist. It has been the mantra of dictators for centuries.



1) Do DNA vaccines like Pfizer's have an increased risk of the alteration of human DNA, if administered to literally billions of people? (please see separate page). deliberately or by chance. Perhaps the link between menstrual cycle changes and vaccines adds to this concern?

2) Is it reasonable to argue so many of the cells of the body (etc) are unmapped, the RT PCR Test is always going to be too suspect to use in any event  ?

3) Is it true the RT PCR Test does not detect any intact viruses, only ones broken down?

4) Vaccines and autism - Many of us do not think Dr. Wakefield was necessarily wrong about a link between vaccines and autism , and we are entitled to our views and / or suspicions .

5) Should Bill Gates and the leaders of W.H.O. be immediately put on trial for crimes against humanity? Italian politician Sara Cunial seemed to think Bill Gates should be.


6) Is a new deadly strain of Covid now being manufactured? - In order to "prove themselves right" about their draconian measures, in so doing crushing most of the opposition's reasoning .

7) How was Covid-19 isolated in order to be genomically mapped? As otherwise the entire RT PCR Test is meaningless

It seems now irrelevant to me to criticize the proof of the existence of the Covid-19 pathogen, because the isolation of it is not obtained by Koch's postulates, when no virologist believes it can be. This should be dismissed within minutes, not harped on about for hours as Dr, Kaufman does (probably because he wants to rubbish Koch's postulates by the belief the result is always contaminated).

But if we are talking about proving the Covid-19 pathogen exists, because it has been mapped,  the "proof of existence" of Covid-19 by the use of John Ender's cytopathic effect experiments seems totally irrelevant.

I have proceeded that far, but I still need to research how Covid-19 was isolated as a pathogen in order to be genomically mapped in the first place, as the entire use of the PCR Test to detect the RNA that has been turned into DNA by reverse transcription depends on it. If they have never isolated the virus to map the genome, the entire RT PCR test is meaningless.

quote :

"How does the Sinovac vaccine work?

The Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is behind the CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response." BBC . By "killed" they mean attenuated, or damaged in some way, as a virus is not considered alive.

If Dr, Andrew Kaufman is correct the Chinese could not produce this vaccine, unless I misunderstand his criticisms of the almost impossible task of isolating and purifying Covid-19 viruses in order to attenuate them. One answer might be the Chinese alone can do it, because they manufactured the virus in the first place?

Why are the public being belittled and patronised by not discussing and resolving this openly? This point is therefore about disempowering the public.

8) The Chinese claim their vaccine (Sinovac Vaccine, or "CoronaVac") for Covid-19 is an old fashioned "attenuated pathogen" style vaccine,  of the Covid-19 virus. Explain then how they isolated, purified, and then duplicated enough of the virus in the first place to produce Sinovac by the gallon, if virologists say its not possible using the methods described in Koch's postulates.

Does Dr Hilary Jones MBE believe in abortion?

note: This started off as Top 100, but soon I realised there are far more needed to be included in my opinion. I need to erase repeats.....  in progress

note: There is a big debate (I cannot yet resolve) as to whether the Pfizer vaccines have ever altered human DNA, or are very likely to not by design. There are also plots a hidden sinister take over group wish to deliberately change human DNA to make us more "usable" by a ruling class

BOTTOMLINE - and all this "to save humanity" from a bug similar to and in the same category as the flu, as if it is bubonic plague! It is the biggest example of overcompensation or overkill in human history. It is like killing a mosquito with a shotgun. 

Konstantin Rykov – Taught Vladimir Putin How To Troll The Internet ???

sources to help verify points, or of interest.

note: "making money from a misinformation market" is an accusation made against some people who expose the lies and propaganda of Big Pharma, WHO, Bill Gates etc, Apparently it is ok for Bill Gates to make money, but if the public wish to support people exposing the lies of the so called global elite, or bunk of the Covid-19 overreaction agenda, that must therefore be insincere profiteering by the receivers. People ought to be free to support people they think are supplying them with information they believe helps them assess what the truth is. 

*) Lord Jonathan Sumption . 

*) Dan Wootton  :

*) Peter Hitchens :

^) "Unherd" Youtube Channel, Freddie Sayers :

*) Alexei Navalny :

*) Dr Rabinder Buttar :

*) Neil Oliver :

*) Russell Brand :

*) An0maly : musician Albert J Faleski . 


*) BBC (Bribed Biased Corporation)

1) "For the Greater Good? The Devastating Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis" by Michaéla C. Schippers* Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


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